For its first round of financing, Groupe Touriste, a hotel group created in 2008 by Adrien Gloaguen and specializing in “boutiques-hôtels” in Paris, raised € 2,4 million from Bpifrance Investissement. With the opening of a hotel in London, Groupe Touriste intends to extend its activities at an international level.
Solferino Associés (Bernard-Olivier Becker & Camille Chastagner) assisted Bpifrance Investissement on contractual aspects, with the assistance of Cazals Manzo Pichot Saint Quentin on tax aspects, of Daher Avocats on labour law aspects, and Sphère Avocats on real estate law aspects.
Groupe Touriste was advised by Maguelon Beaumont-Loriot.